Tournament Director: Tom Murphy
The Open Championship is one of the premier events of the Oregon State USBC. The tournament is open to all Oregon State USBC adult members with 5-person Team, Doubles, and Singles events in three average-based divisions.
The 2025 Open Championship will be held at Lava Lanes Bend, April 26-27 through May 31-June 1 and June 14-15.
Payment is required to reserve your spot(s). You do not need to have your full roster ready to reserve your spot! Rosters will be required by March.
​2025 OSUSBC Open GREEN SHEET (Check back soon)
Register Online!
Click HERE to register online!
Payment is required to reserve your spot(s). You do not need to have your full roster ready to reserve your spot! Rosters will be required by March.
Entry Form
Print your entry form here
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Hotel Information
We have two host hotels set up for you for the 2025 Open Championship:
1) My Place Bend: 550 SW Bond St. - Offering rooms for $95/night plus taxes for April and May and $140/night plus taxes for June. Simply ask for the OSUSBC rate when calling in to make your reservations. You must make your reservations over the phone.
2) Holiday Inn Express & Suites Bend: 61070 S Hwy 97 - Offering 20% off your booking. You can call and ask for the OSUSBC rate. Online registration link available soon.